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European Connector Market

11 September 2009 1,428 views No Comment

Bharatbook.com included a new report on “European Connector Market” which gives growth and developments of Connector market in Europe.

European Connector Market
We just released a new six-chapter research report analyzing the European Connector Market. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market detailing connector consumption by country, with details by end-use equipment sector, and connector product category. Sales are provided for the years 2006, 2007, and a 2012 forecast.( http://www.bharatbook.com/Market-Research-Reports/European-Connector-Market.html )

The developments in international markets and electronic production have become very dynamic in the past two decades. From the age of internationalization in which manufacturers set up quasi permanent locations abroad we moved in to the age of globalization which involves moving production locations all over the globe to those areas where end-use markets develop or where production is most cost efficient. The speed at which these changes are taking place is increasing and specialized production companies (EMS providers) have emerged to take over (part of) this effort from OEMs. The results is that tracking the connector market performance has become equally dynamic and market volumes by location are much more volatile than several decades ago. This means that market research data by country will become outdated faster and has to be updated more frequently. In an attempt to underline the changes that have taken place in Europe the past two decades on political, economical and social levels which has now consolidated all European connector markets from Western Europe to Central and Eastern Europe into one concise research report.

Although is it clear that the market dynamics are not the same between Western Europe and Central and Eastern Europe (the CEE region), we can, at the same time, no longer separate these regions in terms of political, economical and social development. Most CEE countries in this report are now part of the European Union and some are getting ready to adopt the Euro. Slovenia already has.

Historic Growth

The European connector market grew by an average of +4.8 percent per year (CAGR) between 2002 and 2007 measured in local currency (Euro). Measured in US Dollar this would mean a CAGR of 12.5 percent in the five-year period from 2002-2007.In 2007, the European Connector Market was the largest global connector market (by region). Most countries in Central and Eastern Europe countries achieved higher than average growth of their national connector markets. Western European countries have grown at a much slower pace which effectively resulted in a decline of some of their national connector markets when measured in local currency. This illustrates that the European Connector Market is developing at two different speeds.


On a macro-economic and global level we identify following drivers for the next 5 years:

Changing (economic) power structures in the world (China, India, Brazil, Russia) – based foremost on economical and political power mixed with an increasing demand for natural resources and energy. The last major push for migration of existing manufacturing plants reaching (temporary) equilibrium within 3-5 years. New plants will be built wherever they are best placed to compete or best-placed service the (local) market. Continued high prices for natural resources and energy (oil, metals). Exchange rate fluctuations for world currencies: US$ vs. Euro, US$ vs. Chinese Yuan (RMB), Yen. In turn financial markets and other macro-economic factors influence these. Increased awareness and support for environmentally friendly innovations such as renewable energy sources, recycling and environmental sciences.

Technology drivers for the next five years will include:

Green’ Engineering – environmentally friendly engineering and innovation.

Complete integration of communication, computer and consumer electronics with spin-offs from and into all other sectors: automotive, medical, transportation, military & aerospace, business & office and industrial. Innovations in the communication sector are driven by mobile and wireless applications. VOIP will grow exponentially. Consumer electronics is driven by integration of video, audio and navigation combined with services on demand over IP networks. Bandwidth requirements will continue to grow and possibly trigger an exponential growth of fiber optic networks and Fiber to the Home (FTTH). Miniaturization combined with high-speed signal transfers: advanced functionality using smaller PCB footprints and (possibly) higher power consumption – thermal engineering will remain a key factor. Networking the ‘world’ by embedding chips capable of wireless communication into anything from objects to animals or even human bodies giving information about anything almost anywhere at virtually no cost. RF-ID could play an important role in this. For industrial applications Ethernet will further develop as the de-facto standard. Other innovations in the field of home and building automation, robotics, MEMS technology and use of new materials. The Outlook for the European Connector market for 2008 has to be split in to an outlook for the CEE region and one for Western Europe. Overall we expect the European connector market to grow with a CAGR of 6.4 percent until 2012.

To know more and to buy a copy of your report feel free to visit : http://www.bharatbook.com/Market-Research-Reports/European-Connector-Market.html

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