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K-10 Connector offers free Wi-Fi

16 August 2009 1,095 views No Comment

Some commuters traveling between Lawrence and Johnson County actually are being encouraged to use their laptops and PDAs while they roll down Kansas Highway 10 at 65 mph.

A new Wi-Fi system on the K-10 Connector makes it all possible.

The connector — a bus service operated by Johnson County Transit — is launching its free mobile Wi-Fi service Monday on three of its motorcoach buses.

The service is part of a two-month pilot project, designed to gauge its popularity and usefulness.

“Time is an important commodity in today’s fast-paced society,” said Alice Amrein, the county’s director of transportation. “Having Wi-Fi on our buses is a feature that riders can utilize and appreciate.”

The connector runs weekdays, connecting three stops in Lawrence with two stops in Overland Park. For more information about the connector and its new Wi-Fi services, visit www.thejo.com/Routes/K10.shtml.

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